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when the unexpected happens

The personalized assistance platform that helps you organize important information and provides guidance in times of emergency for families and beneficiaries.

How it works?


Simplify information organization

My life garage helps you organize all your important information in one place, ensuring it's accessible when you need it most. Simplify organization and keep everything in order.

We are not a virtual vault!

We will help you during the process and guarantee that your information will be organized for the right person to have easy access in a time of emergency. 

Leveraging our AI personal assistant to help navigate and the most of each information.

Simplicity, security and helpfully
For those who leave the information and for those who need to use it!

Why now?

Your Life is Digital, Your Organization Should Be Too

The covid pandemic helped us to realized that we are not invincible, and emergencies can occur any time.

Plus we are living in a digital era, where our lives are managed online.

From the banking sector to the healthcare sector, our accounts and important documents are all digital.

Shouldn't your vital information be equally organized and accessible?

Your love ones should not have a proper assistance when navigating this?

Think about it!

You should not leave your vital documents in a box in your offline garage, but rather here in My Life Garage, completely online, safe, created, and prepared to help those you love in an emergency moment.


Why us?


Our interface feels like organizing your desk or garage boxes, bringing a sense of calm and control.


All data is encrypted, with multiple authentication factors and individual PINs, ensuring your information is safe and private.


Utilize our comparative graphs, set reminders, and leverage our box templates to stay on top of your important information.


Our AI agent helps with organization and understanding, providing invaluable support during emergencies.


When Life Throws a Curveball

Unexpected emergencies can leave us lost and overwhelmed. Imagine being in a critical situation, unable to communicate vital information to your loved ones.

We've Got You Covered!

We are here for you and we will be here for those you trust and love most.

Our AI powered services will help everyone to get the most of it, and be there for you.

Be Prepared Today, Peace of Mind Later

"I created My Life Garage to make sure that in the event of an emergency, my family will have access to all the necessary information, from my accountant's contact details to my life insurance"

Alexa Young, IL

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